See 'pooh', 'story' , 'piglet' and 'tigger' for more !

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 Sometimes he thought      __------------_ _   which?" --
 sadly to himself,       _-               \ \   and sometimes
 "Why?" and sometimes   - \                |||   he didn't
 he thought "Where-  //: | |               | ||   quite know
 fore?" and some-   //v:v \ \  )     __(   |  ||   what he
 times he thought,  || :   | | |----- | |  |   ||  _was_ think-
 "Inasmuch as      /_/|:__-\_\_)     (_(_ _/   MM   ing about.

ascii'd by kurt scaletta (kscale31@maine.bitnet)
words by a.a. milne, picture based on one by e.h. shepard



             Nobody seemed to know where they came from,
                 but there they were in the Forest:

                         Kanga and Baby Roo.

                                                - Winnie-the-Pooh


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    Baby Roo was practising very small jumps in the sand and
      falling down mouse-holes and climbing out of them...
            " Look at me jumping," squeaked Roo,        /~~   ~~\
               and fell into another mouse-hole.     /~~         ~~\
       _-_                                         _-_              }
    /~~   ~~\         - Winnie-the-Pooh         /~~   ~~\      -_  /
 /~~         ~~\                             /~~         ~~\ //  ~~
{                                           {               }|
 \  _-     -_  /                             \  _-     -_  / |
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 -cfbd-   .         : .....".. :              .           .       .
 __ __-- __ _-- _-- _-- _-- _-- __ _-- _ __-- _-- _-- _-- _-- _-- _--


From: cfbd@southern.co.nz (Colin Douthwaite)

         _           Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie
       _( )_         A fly can't bird, but a bird can fly.
      (     (o___    Ask me a riddle, and I reply:
       |      _ 7   `Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.'
        \    (")
        /     \ \       Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie
       (      )  )      A fish can't whistle and neither can I.
       |    \ __/       Ask me a riddle, and I reply:
       |        |      `Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.'
       (       /
        \     /      Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie
         )   /(_     Why does a chicken, I don't know why.
         |  (___)    Ask me a riddle, and I reply:
          \___)     `Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.'

ascii'sd by kurt scaletta (kscale31@maine.bitnet)

and of course the poem is by A.A. Milne, drawing is based
on ones by Ernest H. Shepard.


   _               The Piglet was sitting on the ground at
 _<_\_             at the door of his house blowing happily
<_    \__          at a dandelion and wondering whether it
  |   ' /'   """.  would be this year, next year, sometime
   \___/     *  "  or never.  He had just discovered it would
   /===\   /  ""   be never, and was trying to remember what
  |=||==|==D       "_it_" was and hoping it wasn't anything
  |= \D=|  |       nice....
   \===/   |  "
"    \\O\\O "  "   ascii'd by kurt scaletta (kscale31@maine.edu)
 "  "         "    words by A.A. milne, picture is based on one
  "    "           by Ernest H. Shepard.


                         _( )_
   _                    (     (o___
 _<_\_                   |      _ 7         "We've come to wish you a Very
<_    \__                 \    (")          Happy Thursday," said Pooh.
  |   ' /'   """.         /     \ \
   \___/     *  "        (      )  )
   /+++\   /  ""         |    \ __/
  |.||..|==D             |        |
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"    \\O\\O "  "           )   /(_
 "  "         "      " "   |  (___)
  "    "                    \___)
     "       "    "   "           "
                    "     "     "
                                                              /\ /|
"Why, what's going to happen on                              |||| |
Thursday?" asked Rabbit, and when                   ________ |||| |
Pooh had explained, and Rabbit,                    /        \ \ | \
whose life was made up of                         /  _       \/  @ @
Important Things, said, "Oh, I                   /    \          =>X<=
thought you'd really come about                /|      |         /
something,"                                    \|     /________| |_
                                                 \________\    \___\

      they sat down for a little...

                                     /\ /|
         _                          |||| |
       _( )_                        |||| |
      (     (o___                    \ | \                  _
       |      _ 7                _ _ /  @ @               _<_/_
        \    (")               /    \   =>X<=          __/    _>
        /     \ \            /|      |   /            '\  '  |
       (      )  )      "    \|     /__| |              \___/
       |    \ __/              \_____\ \__\             /+++\
"      |        |   "                                o=|..|..|
  "    (       / _       "   "                         | o/..|
"   "  |    __) / )                     "           0==|+++++|
        \_ _ __ _/             "            "        0======/
   "                                              "              "
                                               "            "

           and by-and-by Pooh and Piglet went on again.
    The wind was behind them now, so they didn't have to shout.

           "Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully

              "Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit's clever."

                        "And he has Brain."

             "Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has a Brain."

                     There was a long silence.

"I suppose," said Pooh, " that that's why he never understands anything."

                                        -- Winnie the Pooh

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ASCII Character Codes:

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W = ASCII 87

I = ASCII 73

N = ASCII 78

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E = ASCII 69

T = ASCII 84

H = ASCII 72

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P = ASCII 80

O = ASCII 79

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